Sunday, May 13, 2007


This cartoon explains the effect globalisation has on the world. This also tie in with the previous article about the increasing, or rather decreasing gap between the world's rich nations and the poor nations. This cartoon shows a scale, with a family of white people on one side, balacing a group of Africans on the other side.

This shows how, what a normal family in the West earns, can be considered enough for whole tribe of African people. The huge leap forward by the West has made this gap huge. This needs to be reduced, and as proven before, it is happening. This also shows the effect of globalisation on the economy. The Africans on the right can be seen to be nothing more then skin and bones, however, the family of white people on the left seem to be..plump at least. This can be interpreted as the family being more well fed and taken care of then the guys on the right.

I find it really interesting that the 4 people on the left seem to be wearing tourist clothes, while the people on the right are wearing barely enough. This shows the attitude of the West towards this situation. They seem to the on-lookers of this event.

This shows the attitude that globalisation has fostered over the years. Since the progress of the West, the rest of the world ha been trying to catch up. The West, caught up with its sudden progress, did not bother about the increasing gap, and only tried to do something about it when it got out of hand. This attitude has to change, if not the country's sake, then for humanity's sake.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Top YouTube contributors can become partners

NEW YORK (CNN) -- The video-sharing Web site YouTube announced Thursday that the providers of some of its most popular user-generated content have been given the opportunity to become its financial partners -- and actually make money from their videos.
Between 20 and 40 users have been offered partnership agreements, the site said, similar to those YouTube has with professional content providers like CBS and NBC. The networks are paid a portion of the advertising revenue their material attracts.
The opportunities allow the site to recognize and reward the creativity of the YouTube community, Jamie Byrne, YouTube's product marketing director, told CNN.
"User-generated content has evolved from simple amateur video into high-quality work that is massing subscribers and creating user celebrities," he said.
YouTube said in a statement that because the users "have built and sustained large persistent audiences through the creation of engaging videos, their content has become attractive for advertisers, which has helped them earn the opportunity to participate on YouTube as a partner."
Partnership agreements were offered to users based on monthly viewer statistics and name recognition.
YouTube wouldn't disclose the details of the agreements, but said the content providers will be paid based on the number of times their videos are watched. The agreement doesn't prevent the filmmakers from posting videos on other Web sites.

My Comments

This article speaks about how YouTube has offerred a partnership deal to video contributors who have high viewership numbers. This is due to the fact that advertisers are showing more interest in these videos, as there is a higher possibility of them reaching out to their target audience.

YouTube has millions of videos on its site, ech of which has its own viewership. What started off as an humble idea to be able to share videos with people from all over the world has now become a money making juggernaught. With the increase in popularity, there was an increase inthe amount of investment being put into the site. Now, YouTube is actually offering the people who attract the most people to their videos to become financial partners. This shows how, with the internet, anything is posible (sorry for the cliche). People who are living in places like Estonia can now earn money using good quality videos that people watch, using a website founded by an American, funded by various international companies. This is globalisation at work right here.

With globalisatio, much of the world has become interlinked, much so the economic world. The economy of one coutry is largely reliant on another, as is that one on another. This leads to such an interlinked world that a small blip in the controls in one country, would lead to a major economic breakdown in the whole world. YouTube is an example of an organisation where there is a dependance on other organisations, probably not from America itself, to be able to survive.